Preparation of additional files

    Supplementary materials

    Although JCHS does not restrict the length and quantity of data included in an article, we encourage authors to provide datasets, tables, movies, or other information as additional files.

    Please note: All Additional files will be published along with the article. Do not include files such as patient consent forms, certificates of language editing, or revised versions of the main manuscript document with tracked changes.

    Results that would otherwise be indicated as "data not shown" can and should be included as additional files.

    Certain supported files formats are recognized and can be displayed to the user in the browser. These include most movie formats (for users with the Quicktime plugin), mini-websites prepared according to our guidelines, chemical structure files (MOL, PDB), geographic data files (KML).

    If additional material is provided, please list the following information in a separate section of the manuscript text:

    - File name (e.g. Additional file 1)
    - File format including the correct file extension for example .pdf, .xls, .txt, .pptx (including name and a URL of an appropriate viewer if format is unusual)
    - Title of data
    - Description of data

    Additional files should be named "Additional file 1" and so on and should be referenced explicitly by file name within the body of the article, e.g. 'An additional movie file shows this in more detail [see Additional file 1]'.

    Ideally, file formats for additional files should not be platform-specific, and should be viewable using free or widely available tools. The following are examples of suitable formats.

    • Additional documentation :
      • PDF (Adode Acrobat)
    • Animations
      • SWF (Shockwave Flash)
    • Movies
      • MP4 (MPEG 4)
      • MOV (Quicktime)
    • Tabular data
      • XLS, XLSX (Excel Spreadsheet)
      • As with figure files, files should be given the standard file extensions.

    Copyright © 2016 Faculty of Medicine, University Teknologi MARA. All Rights Reserved.