Preparing Main Manuscript Text - Case Report

    Preparing main manuscript text

    Case Report

    Case reports should include: title of caseauthors (maximum 5), specialty (indicate specialty in your cover letter), and acknowledgements. State conflict of interest, if any, in the cover letter.

    Overview of manuscript sections
    Manuscripts for Case report submitted to JCHS should be divided into the following sections (in this order):

    • Title page
    • Abstract
    • Keywords
    • Introduction
    • Case presentation
    • Discussion
    • Conflict of interest
    • Acknowledgements
    • Authors’ contribution
    • References
    • Illustrations and figures (if any)
    • Tables and captions (if any)
    • Preparing additional files

    Title page

    The title page should provide the title of the article, full names of all the authors, their institutional addresses and email addresses. Name of the corresponding author should be indicated. A running title of not more than 50 characters (including spaces) must be provided.

    Abbreviations within the title should be avoided and the title should not exceed 160 characters (including spaces).

    Length of article

    The article should not exceed 2000 words (excluding abstract and references); do not include more than three (3) figures and tables; the number of references should be limited to 20.


    An abstract (no more than 150 words) on the summary of the case and highlight of the case presentation must be included at the beginning of the manuscript.


    All authors (maximum 5) must have made an individual contribution to the writing of the article and not just been involved with the patient's care. Individuals just involved in the patient's care (including diagnosis and management) should be listed in the acknowledgements. The uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to medical journals state that authorship credit should be based only on a substantial contribution to the following:

    • Conception and design, acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation ofdata
    • Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
    • Final approval of the version published.

    All three of these conditions must be met.


    Patients have a right to privacy that should not be infringed. Informed consent should be obtained whenever possible. All information, which could contribute to identify patients, including patients' names, initials, or hospital numbers should not be published. If there is any other form of information in the manuscript that may allow identification of the patient, a written consent from the patient should be obtained and a statement to declare this should be included in the manuscript.If the patient is dead, the authors must seek permission from the next of kin. If it is not possible to obtain the consent from a deceased patient, guardian or family, the head of your medical team/hospital or legal team must take responsibility that exhaustive attempts have been made to contact the family and that the paper has been sufficiently anonymised not to cause harm to the patient or their family.

    Copyright © 2016 Faculty of Medicine, University Teknologi MARA. All Rights Reserved.