Preparing main manuscript text


    Overview of manuscript sections
    Manuscripts for Reviews submitted to JCHS should be divided into the following sections (in this order):

    • Title page
    • Abstract
    • Keywords (10 words)
    • Introduction
    • Review
    • Conclusions
    • Conflict of interest
    • Acknowledgements
    • Authors’ contribution
    • References
    • Illustrations and figures (if any)
    • Tables and captions (if any)
    • Preparing additional files

    Length of article
    Reviews should not exceed 5000 words (excluding references).

    Title page

    The title page should provide the title of the article, full names of all the authors, their institutional addresses and email addresses. Name of the corresponding author should be indicated. A running title of not more than 50 characters (including spaces) must be provided.

    Abbreviations within the title should be avoided and the title should not exceed 160 characters (including spaces).


    A short, unstructured, single paragraph summary, no more than 250 words, of the major points raised, making evident the key work highlighted in the article.


    Ten (10) keywords representing the main content of the article.


    This section should put the subject matter in adequate context and should be comprehensible to non-experts.


    This should contain the body of the article, and may also be broken into subsections with short, informative headings.

    The Accession Numbers of any nucleic acid sequences, protein sequences or atomic coordinates cited in the manuscript should be provided, in square brackets and include the corresponding database name; for example, [EMBL:AB026295, EMBL:AC137000, DDBJ:AE000812, GenBank:U49845, PDB:1BFM, Swiss-Prot:Q96KQ7, PIR:S66116].


    This should state clearly the main conclusions of the review and give a clear explanation of their importance and relevance.

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